About Us

Briggs-Shaffner Company has been serving customer needs since 1897 with a unique blend of operational capability and quality people. With a firm commitment to research and test-based development, our technical expertise and dedicated associates have created continued product improvement for the industries we serve.

Briggs-Shaffner has pioneered development of extremely high strength aluminum beam flanges through internal foundry casting processes that offer cost effective alternatives to the forged version. Such product improvement and performance has continuously created value for North American textile customers and has clearly extended to International markets.

In the textile industry, comprehensive beam product and yarn processing solutions illustrate our dedication to service. Our capabilities are demonstrated with customer assistance through in-plant yarn load analysis, utilizing unique beams for stress/strain relationships. Resulting data is used for guidance in establishing process operating parameters that are most effective for the customer.

Our full service and supply focus offers unparalleled availability of all types of new beams for all load applications, comprehensive beam repair and maintenance including on-site programs.

In addition to highest quality new beams, we repair and recondition all types of beams in our plant dedicated to that purpose. The plant is located in the heart of the textile industry to ensure quick response and service. We provide these services as just one more way to protect your investment in textile beams.

Briggs-Shaffner Company continues to produce quality and value for its textile customers around the world, and we appreciate the opportunity to assist with your future needs.